Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Me, A Blogger??

So yes, I've become a blogger, thanks to my good friends who have been a great influence in my life. I can't believe that I feel so young (actually I am young), yet the computer world is racing past me. I can't let it happen.
Each day there are new things to share, sometimes funny, sometimes serious and thought provoking. I am glad that I have a place to share them. I'd love to have you comment (so that I know someone is reading this) and share in my journey.
Grace for today: Having to leave the house for work with my daughter crying "Mommy, I don't want you to go to work!" It was so hard to leave. I knew that starting my Real Estate career would require huge sacrifices the first year or so, but it is hard to face the reality when it really happens! I love my job. And I love my children. So I need God's Grace to make it through this transition time.
On a fun note, I did run around the yard with the kids this evening. We were pretending to run through an obstacle course. It didn't take me long to get tired out. I guess I am out of shape!


Leah said...

Yay! What a nice first blog! I look forward to reading more about your days and life as a wife/mom/realtor.

Kristi said...

Yea to Amie's blog!

Anonymous said...

WooHoo!!! Glad that you finally gave in to our peer pressure! :) It will be fun to have another way to keep up on what is going on in your life! Looking forward to many more posts to read.

Tim and Heidi Thomas said...

Thanks for the post, Amie! I'm bookmarking your page, and look forward to keeping up in new ways :)