While growing up I have always struggled with my curly hair. I hated it when I was a teen. Somewhat disliked it when I got a little older. Now I find it okay, but would prefer to wear it straighter.
But I have never had any issues with the color of my hair. (Well actually once I dyed it red when I was getting over a devastating break-up with my first boyfriend. It looked pretty good too, until my hair started growing out and the roots were blond and the rest wasn't.) Anyhow, lately my daughter has been telling me that she likes me, but doesn't like my hair color. She mentions it several times a week. Tonight Katie turned to Rob at the dinner table and said to him, "Daddy, I like the color of your hair."
I was contemplating getting light blond highlights in my hair, the ones that look like I've been hanging out at the beach all summer. But now I'm wondering if darker would look better?
Nah, I don't want dark hair. It's dark enough as it is. Maybe I will go for those sunny highlights!
Last week Jonathan said it looked like I have gray hair....Sigh!
I think hightlights would look great! You should totally do it.
oh dear, from the mouths of babes....
I agree with Kristi, go for the blonde highlights. Really! I think they'd look fab! And, if your looking to save a $, I'd go to Mt. Hood School of Cosmetology--they have the BEST rates on highlights/color/hair cuts. I know you're nervous about them cutting curly hair, but coloring is a different game entirely....and you'd get a free haircut as well! (part of their service when you get a color treatment)...anyway, I love them, they've always done great with cuts/color, and they're like WAY affordable. I actually have a b-day present there from Tim for a color treatment...maybe we could go together! :)
Talk soon,
How fun! I think they would look great! I am looking forward to tomorrow morning! See you at 9:00!
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